Hydraulic Crane during COVID-19

Gauri Shetty
3 min readMay 9, 2020

Are you bored at home and don’t know what to do during quarantine? Here’s a fun LEGO creation you can make with a few easy steps at home. This crane can pick up and drop heavy objects wherever these objects need to go! A hydraulic crane is powered by water, so we use two syringes to power the crane. Since water can’t be compressed the pressure keeps the crane moving up and down, no matter the weight. The picture and video down below shows the crane and how easy it is to make.

In the world, hydraulic cranes are a type of heavy duty equipment that are used to lift and hoist objects. Unlike cranes that are powered by electricity, hydraulic cranes have a water system inside that allow the crane to lift heavier loads. This enables the crane to transport heavy objects to where they need to be. The crane applies pressure to the oils or the fluids that are installed in the crane. Since these fluids can’t be compressed, the force goes to other parts in the crane which makes the crane stronger and more efficient.

Here is a real hydraulic crane…


Items needed: 2 syringes, a plastic pipe, hot glue, axles, stoppers, lift arm brings (long LEGO pieces with holes), weights (regular LEGO pieces), and a flat bottom bases.

Here are links to buy the pieces needed for this project. (Amazon)

GEAR SET: https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Parts-Pieces-Technic-Gear/dp/B01LVXYZ9L/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=lego+gears+and+axles+sets+with+motor&qid=1589036951&sprefix=lego+gears&sr=8-5

BEAMS SET: https://www.amazon.com/Technic-Liftarm-Separator-Chassis-Helicopter/dp/B07F1M6PJJ/ref=redir_mobile_desktop?ie=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=sspa_mw_detail_0


After gathering all the items needed you are ready to start building your crane!

  • On one big flat bottom base, place two long LEGO pieces and a smaller base on top
  • Use the curved LEGO pieces and connect them to the long pieces using an axle and two stoppers
  • Add two more longer LEGO pieces to the curved pieces so these pieces stand straight and act as the pillars for the crane (the pieces should have holes)
  • Before building the rest, come back to the base and add LEGO pieces on the left side as weights to stabilize the crane so it doesn’t fall backwards
  • Next add a straight beam with holes in the middle of the two pillars and keep expanding until u have one long beam ( made out of four LEGO pieces with holes)
  • If the crane falls backwards or is not stable, add more weight to the base

Now here comes the hard part!

  • Using the pipe connect the two syringes so the water can flow from one syringe to the other
  • To connect the syringe to the crane you need to ask a parent to poke a whole in the back of one of the syringe tubes
  • This syringe will connect to the beam while the other syringe will rest on the floor
  • Lastly just put a few more rectangular LEGO pieces at the end of the beam as the weight! And now your DONE!

To use the crane, just push the syringe to make the crane go up and down

If you need some help, use the video down below for reference

